

通过Talent Sourcing站点,批量刮取潜在客户Lead联系方式,是很多“外贸小姨子”们闻所未闻的玩法。

✓ Chrome浏览器插件(extension)
✓ Web scrapers
✓ Automation工具
✓ 搜索引擎(爬虫)
✓ Databases爬取
✓ AI技术
✓ and much more...「咨询David锅微信:32661099」


#4. Email Tracking Tools

Bananatag: Track emails on Outlook.

Contact Monkey: Track emails on Gmail and Outlook.

Hubspot: Track emails and history on Gmail.

MailTrack: Track emails on Gmail.

Streak: Track emails on Gmail.

Yesware: Track emails on Gmail and Outlook.

#5. Facebook Extensions:

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#6. Utility Tools

AppJump App Launcher and Organizer: Quickly launch Apps from browser toolbar.

Auto Copy: Automatically copy selected text to the clipboard. Has options for copying as plain text; including the URL in the copied text; etc.

AutoPagerize: A browser Extension for auto loading paginated web pages.

Black Menu for Google: The easiest access to the Google universe.

Blockspring Extension: API integration spreadsheet tool.

BuiltWith Technology Profiler: Find out what the website you are visiting is built with using this extension.

Bulk URL Opener: Bulk URL Opener is a simple app that you can use to load multiple URLs at once (in new tabs or windows).

Clara: Clara is your partner in doing great work — a virtual employee that schedules your meetings.

CSS and XPath checker: A helper tool for to confirm CSS and XPath selector.

Evernote Web Clipper: Use the Evernote extension to save things you see on the web into your Evernote account.

Extensity: Quickly enable/disable Google Chrome extensions.

Extensity: Quickly enable/disable Google Chrome extensions.

Feedly: The content you need to accelerate your research, marketing, and sales.

Google Alerts: Monitor the web for interesting new content.

Google Mail Checker: Displays the number of unread messages in your Google Mail inbox. You can also click the button to open your inbox.

Highlight to Search: Highlight to Search allows you search keywords by highlighting instead of typing them into a search box.

Liiist: Save anything online into smart lists.

LinkedIn Notification Alert: Notifies you when you have messages or alerts in LinkedIn.

MachineSourcer: Auto send out messages and connections request to LinkedIn users.

MultiHighlighter: Allows multi-word searching/highlighting on almost any web page. Each term is highlighted with a unique color.

Owler: Know your competitor’s next move before it happens.

Related Search: Find related websites, using the google related: operator.

RSS Feed Reader: Get a simple overview of your RSS and Atom feeds in the toolbar.

SearchBar: The most efficient way to use your favorite search engines. Search selected text, use customizable hotkeys and much more.

Search Date Changer: This extension enables to add ‘Publish date option’ to Google search results URL and re-search by just one click.

Search Plus: The Search Plus can find the tabs you’re looking for from all opened tabs.

Search the current site: A toolbar button to search all pages of any website using Google.

Select Search: Offers to make a quick search in google or other websites using the selected text.

Slick RSS: A full featured RSS reader that’s fully contained within the browser.

Social Fixer for Facebook: Custom your Facebook experience.

Temporary Bookmarks: Temporarily stores bookmarks for a period of time of your choice with optional notifications.

Text Mode: Browse the web without distractions via simple text based pages.

在下一节分享中,Lydia会推介另外3种Talent Sourcing联系方式刮取工具:
✓ People Search Engines and Aggregators
✓ Misc. Chrome Browser Extensions
✓ Web Scraping and Extraction Tools & OSINT Tools & Resources:

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